What Is The Difference Between Glock 26 Gen 4 And 5? A Side By Side Comparison

If you’re in the market for a great pistol, you may be wondering – what is the difference between Glock 26 Gen 4 and 5?

These two models have gotten so much attention from many Glock pistol fans. But the question is, does one model really stand to be the better option?

Or are they pretty much the same?

We’ll let you decide! Keep reading to learn more about the difference between these two popular pistols, and you’ll be more well-informed to pick the one that suits you best.

What is the Glock and Why It’s Great

Let’s begin with a short back story about a powerful glock.

For those who are very much familiar with this pistol, this brand is the epitome of innovation. Beginning with the older models, this handgun has been widely used by the Austrian army. After all, it’s lightweight, handy, but does the job perfectly well.

In the United States, about 65 percent of pistols carried by police officers and military bear the name Glock. In fact, this brand has literally dominated 48 countries and has been the firearm of choice by governments and armed forces.

This is how big Glock is. So, when it comes to portability, compact, and stealthy design, the Glock delivers.

But we know you’ve always wanted to know – should you get the Gen 4 or 5?

What is the Difference Between Glock 26 Gen 4 and 5?

Not much – that’s the short answer.

But if we dive into these pistols’ features, limitations, and what-not, you’ll realize that there are definitely some differences, after all.

It could be nit-picking or just some careful scrutiny, but the fact is that it’s hardly easy to tell how one compares with the other because of the subtle differences.

However, we promise you one thing – after reading more about the nitty-gritty of these bad boys, you’ll easily pick out one that fits the bill.

1. Appearance

At first glance, the Glock Gen 5 is quite beefy – parts and the overall feel.

Looking at the trigger pull, it feels pretty light – slightly lighter than the Gen 4. The Gen 5 is at 5.84 pounds while the Gen 4 is a bit hefty at 6.29 pounds.

We are also raving about the fingerless grip to the Glock 26 Gen 5. With this added feature, this offers greater accuracy, comfort, and stability each time you take a shot.

2. Performance

You may be wondering – if Gen 5 looks better than its predecessor, does it mean it also performs better, too?

Here’s the thing – we first had a glimpse of the Gen 4 at the SHOT Show back in 2010. We have seen some improvements in this model such as ergonomics and reversible designs.

Compared with Gen 3, Gen 4’s grip size is slightly small. But with the backstrap inserted, this gives it an added boost in the grip size. We also like the checkering design on the grip texture, plus the frame feels rougher, too.

So, it’s obviously a step up from the earlier model. But how does the Gen 4 compare with the Gen 5 in terms of performance?

A striking feature that sets the Gen 5 apart from the previous models is the enhancement to the marksman barrel.

The GMB or Glock Marksman Barrel is what makes every shot more accurate than ever. This feature is specifically-engineered to minimize misses and make sure you hit it right the first time all the time.

With the upgrade added, your range is a whopping 25 meters. That’s a pretty sweet deal for a slight increase in the price. It is definitely worth the extra bucks.

3. Ergonomics

You can tell a lot by the way a Glock feels in your hand.

The Gen 4, as we’ve mentioned, has the checkering design. It’s neat, without a doubt, but wait until you see what the Gen 5 has.

This bad boy lacks the finger grooves, which one might think is not that big of a deal. But in terms of ergonomics, it absolutely works. Recoil control is also an upgrade, thanks to the zero finger grooves on the Gen 5.

4. Durability

When placed side by side, there is not much of a standout difference between the Glock 26 Gen 4 and 5.

But look again more closely, and this time, actually touch these two pistols. The Gen 5 boasts of the impressive NDLC finish that the older models lack.

What this finish does is it enhances the pistol’s durability. This makes it less resistant to scratches, which are often the case through years of usage.

The finish is also found in a diamond’s properties. Thus, it resists wear and tear without a doubt. And while it is not fingerprint smudge-proof, it’s not a problem. This pistol comes in black, so it still looks sleek and flawless because those smudges are basically invisible to the naked eye.

Still wondering about what is the difference between the Glock 26 Gen 4 and 5? Check out this video for a very informative feature on these pistols!

Which One Is Worth It?

The Glock 26 Gen 4 is a new and improved version of the older Gen 3. This means that the feel, performance, and looks are a step up from its predecessor.

But if what you want is stealth, durability, and accuracy, you can never go wrong with the Gen 5. It may be subtle but it definitely has an edge above the Gen 4. After all, the DEA, FBI, and ATF vouch on how perfectly concealed the Gen 5 is.

You can wear it with a shoulder or waistband holster and even on your ankle. In terms of ergonomics, accuracy, better control, and ease, the Gen 5 wins by a long shot. Pair it off with the best glock 26 holster, and you’re all set!

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