The Top 6 Mistakes Hunters Make When Using A Rifle Scope

For all rifle scope enthusiasts, you know how crucial this hunting gear is for a successful outing. With more hunters embracing long-range shooting, having a precision rifle scope with the correct setup has become indispensable for any hunter. However, even new and experienced shooters can fall prey to common mistakes when using their scopes correctly.

In this article, we’ll discuss some common errors that hunters make when using their rifle scopes and provide easy fixes so you can have the best possible experience while out in your blind or on the range.

Not understanding the reticle or crosshairs

When using a rifle scope, the most common mistake hunters make is to fully understand the reticle or crosshairs. Being familiar with how they are used can severely affect the accuracy of shots taken in the field. While many people assume that the line along the length of the reticle is meant for aiming, it’s meant to provide elevation correction when accounting for long distances.

Knowing what each element of the reticle does and why can open up a whole new level of precision when hunting. It’s simply a matter of doing some research or asking an experienced hunter for help in learning how to calibrate these settings on a rifle scope properly – then marvel at your newfound accuracy. Check out Badass Optic – the best gun optics & lights for the money for more information.

Not setting the parallax adjustments properly 

Parallax, or the inaccuracy of the aim path caused by changing distances from the shooter to the target, can impede accuracy and even cause missed shots. Most rifle scopes have a parallax knob that needs to be adjusted to ensure a more transparent and precise picture of your bullseye. You’ll need to adjust this setting accordingly depending on how far away your target is located.

Hunters forget that it’s essential to make sure their scope is adjusted when they switch shooting positions – this includes standing up or kneeling – as it will affect the parallax setting, causing an inaccurate shot. Keep all of your necessary adjustments in mind when making changes between locations, and you should be able to hit your target with the utmost precision.

Misjudging the power of their scope

Another common mistake that inexperienced hunters make is misjudging the power of their scope. While a higher-powered model may be impressive, it can sometimes mean it’s best for your hunting situation.

For example, if you’re deer hunting at dusk in an area with low light conditions, using a high-powered scope that magnifies your target too much will only do you a little. It’s essential to understand the need for a specific magnification level and choose accordingly – or else you might find yourself missing out on a perfect shot opportunity.

Ignoring eye relief distance 

For precision shooters, eye relief distance is essential when choosing a rifle scope. It’s the measurement of how close you need to be to view your target clearly through the scope, and it differs from model to model.

If you’re not paying attention to this setting before purchasing a scope, you could have trouble seeing your target due to improper positioning when shooting. To remedy this, make sure that you measure the eye relief distance of different models before selecting one for purchase.

Not using appropriate lens covers and sunshades and forgetting lens cleaning supplies 

Lens covers and sunshades are must-have accessories when it comes to rifle scopes. Not only do they protect the lenses from scratches and dirt, but they also help reduce glare so you can get a clear view of your target. Sunshades are especially important for hunting during bright days as they will shield the lens from direct sunlight, which can significantly decrease visibility.

Finally, many hunters must remember to bring essential lens-cleaning supplies on their hunting trips. As you know, dust, fog, and rain can affect your scope’s performance if not cleaned properly – resulting in missed shots or inaccurate accuracy readings. To ensure this doesn’t happen, pack a quality lens cleaner and microfiber cloth with you before heading out.

Not zeroing your rifle scope before shooting

Zeroing or calibrating your rifle scope’s reticle to the point of aim-point of impact is necessary before heading out for a hunt. You must take the time to make sure that this has been adjusted correctly, as any discrepancies can result in inaccurate shots. The zeroing process may seem daunting, but it’s pretty straightforward.

It’s also worth noting that some scopes offer unique features such as bullet drop compensation (BDC) and adjustable turrets, which can help improve accuracy even further by allowing you to compensate for changes in elevation over long distances. Be sure to research these features before taking your first shot.

In conclusion

Considering the abovementioned mistakes is essential when using a rifle scope for hunting purposes. With the correct knowledge and preparations, hunters can achieve precision accuracy and avoid costly mistakes in the field. So brush up on all these points before heading out for your next hunting excursion, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

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