Helpful Prepper Food Storage Ideas: Stay Prepared During the Pandemic!

Amid coronavirus lockdowns and quarantines, one of the things you’ll need to prepare for is food. It’s been recommended to keep at least two weeks’ worth of food and drinks as you self-isolate. However, not all of us have the budget or proper space to store that many perishables and non-perishables!

So what are some prepper food storage ideas to follow to keep your food items fresh? Read on as I show you what you need to purchase and how to store them well to last for the next few weeks.

Prepper Food Storage Ideas

There is NO “one solution fits all” when storing food and drinks. You’ll need to evaluate the different prepper storage ideas to see what works best for you and your household. With that said, here are the most effective ideas you can try out:

1. Getting Down For Storage 

Some of the best locations to store food are under your furniture. After all, many people love to store items under their bed, so why not do the same with non-perishables? Look under your bigger furniture such as sofas and desks, which you can place food buckets or dried foods in.

2. Look Up! 

Ran out of floor space already? You can look up for even more storage ideas. You can make the most of your wall space and install shelves that can go all the way up to your ceiling, or utilize the spaces above doors and windows through installing shelves.

If you have high kitchen ceilings, there are open spaces above the cabinets you can use for storing some food items.

3. Hang In There

You can stuff your closets’ floors with buckets of food and stacked cans, but you can also do the same with HANGING your essentials! Do this by filling up a zip-top storage bag with pre-sealed packs of dehydrated foods. Of course, they need to be lightweight to prevent damaging your closet pole or hanger.

Afterward, place the bag’s handle over a hood part of your hanger, putting it on the closet rod. You can also use a shoe organizer with clear pockets to stock up your cans and other food items.

4. It’s In Plain Sight 

Instead of trying to hide your food stock, you can display it! You’ve seen restaurants that decorate their interiors with cans of tomatoes, olive oils, or bottles of condiments? You can store it the same way they do!

Just be sure that you place specific food items appropriately, and that you avoid leaving them out directly under sunlight. Display foods that you plan to use first, and store the rest in a cool and dark area.

5. Hiding Places

Many people overlook the wall behind open interior doors. You can stack food bins there if you have room, or even create slim shelving to hide cans. There may be hiding places between your appliances as well, which can fit extra cans!

If you have more room, you can prepare an entire separate pantry in your bedroom or living area, hanging a dividing area for it. That way, you can stack your supplies up without sacrificing too much space.

6. Swap Items Out

You can opt to swap your furniture for storage-friendly ones. Let’s say, swapping your TV stand with a dresser or chest. These spacious storages can help you stock up on dry foods and other essentials while giving you the same space for your other entertainment needs.

The coffee table can be a large trunk or a regular ottoman for one that opens up! This gives you more area to store food without affecting the room’s aesthetic.

7. Using Storage Bins

When you want to utilize the low profile areas (like under your furniture), then you need to have the proper storage bins for it. There are small food storage containers and bags that you can easily slide under furniture or on top of cabinets.

Not only do they store and organize your food efficiently, but it will look better when walking in the room. After all, who wants to look at areas filled with cans and small boxes?

Read more: Must-Have Basic Wilderness Survival Skills To Keep You Safe and Alive

8. The Last Resort 

For those who live in extremely small spaces without much space to stock up on food anymore, there is one last solution: You can go for a storage unit, only if you can afford the rent and can leave your home periodically to pick up the stocks you’ll need. That way, you can rent out a storage unit where you can get all your food stocks without the worry of running out in the store.

9. Making a Food Prepper List 

You need to have a variety of food items to sustain your body, though they also need to last longer. These are the food items you should stock up on and store for the long haul:

  • Rice, noodles, flour, and wheat can last long and provide you good sources of carbs
  • Seasonings such as salt, pepper, vinegar, baking powder and soda, yeast, honey, and sugar can last forever as long as you store it well
  • Canned goods such as baked beans, vegetables, and spaghetti can last for years
  • Powdered milk lasts longer compared to its packaged liquid counterpart
  • Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs) are optimal for emergency rations if you can’t cook meals
  • Powdered electrolytes with vitamins C and D
  • Beef jerky for sources of protein
  • Healthy fats and oils

Learn more about storing food on a budget with this informative video: 

Wrapping It Up

Preparing your food for the pandemic is like prepping for natural calamities and disasters. You have to ensure they are stored properly and that you buy longer-lasting food items in case you’ll have to quarantine at home longer. Don’t worry, you won’t be spending thousands of dollars with these tips and grocery lists!

I hope that these prepper food storage ideas helped you out! So start following any of these tips and begin stocking up on the essentials now.

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