How to attract coyotes to your yard for viewing or research purposes? Attracting coyotes to your yard can be a fascinating activity for wildlife enthusiasts, allowing a rare opportunity to see these elusive critters up close. However, it is critical to approach this undertaking with caution, responsibility, and respect for both the animals and your community.
Coyotes (Canis latrans) are intelligent and adaptable carnivores. Understanding their behavior and habitat preferences is critical in order to create an atmosphere that will tempt them to visit. Although it might seem like a difficult task, by using the necessary methods and safety measures, you can effectively entice these elusive critters to your property.
This guide will explore various strategies to make your yard more attractive to coyotes and ensure their safety and yours. By following these guidelines, you can create a balanced environment where coyotes and humans coexist harmoniously while respecting the integrity of the natural world.
What You Should Know About Coyotes
Coyotes are incredibly intelligent, so to attract them to your yard you need to understand their behavior, environment, and lifestyle.
Physical Description
Coyotes (Canis latrans) are a species of wild canid native to North America. They are medium-sized canids with a slim, nimble body. Coyotes typically have gray or tan fur, with a bushy tail often marked with a black tip. They are 20 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh 20 to 50 pounds.
Coyotes have highly adaptable animals with a wide-ranging habitat tolerance. They can be found in a variety of environments.
- Forests: Coyotes are frequently found in forested environments, where they exploit the cover of trees and undergrowth for shelter and hunting.
- Grasslands: Open grasslands provide ample hunting opportunities for coyotes, especially for small mammals like rodents and rabbits.
- Deserts: They are well-suited to arid desert environments and can find food and water sources in these harsh landscapes.
- Urban Areas: Coyotes have adapted remarkably well to urban environments. They can be found in suburban neighborhoods and even major cities, where they scavenge for food and use parks and green spaces as habitat.
- Rural Areas: Coyotes are common in agricultural and rural areas, where they prey on livestock, agricultural pests, and small wildlife.
Intelligence, resourcefulness and flexibility are outstanding personality traits of coyotes. Coyotes can exhibit both solitary and social behavior. They can establish family groups consisting of a breeding pair and their offspring. These groups are known as packs.
They mark their territories with urine and scat. Coyotes primarily hunt small mammals like rodents, rabbits, and sometimes larger prey such as deer. This animal communicates through a range of vocalizations, including howls, barks, yips, and growls. Coyotes are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and night.
Dietary Habits
Coyotes are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they have a varied diet. Their principal food source is small mammals such as rodents (mice and voles), rabbits, and hares. In addition, coyotes also eat birds, carrion of dead animals, fruits and vegetation. Insects can also be a part of their diet, especially during the warmer months.
Role In Ecosystem
Coyotes play an important role in prey population control and in maintaining environmental equilibrium. In some areas, they are regarded as a keystone species, meaning they have a disproportionately large impact on their environment relative to their abundance.
Coyotes are opportunistic scavengers, and they often feed on carrion (dead animals). This scavenging action helps recycle nutrients in ecosystems and minimizes the accumulation of decomposing animal matter. Additionally, coyotes may aid in the dispersal of seeds of fruits and plants they consume.
How To Attract Coyotes To Your Yard
Based on information about the environment and behavior of coyotes, you will easily attract them to your yard in the following ways.

Modifying Your Yard
- Provide Natural Vegetation and Cover: Maintain native flora, bushes, and tall grasses in your yard to provide coyotes with natural cover and foraging possibilities. Plant native plants that provide food sources, such as berries, fruits, and seeds. This can attract small mammals, birds, and insects, all of which are potential prey for coyotes.
- Water Sources: Install a small pond or water feature, if feasible, to provide a water source for wildlife. Coyotes will be attracted to areas with reliable water access.
- Create a den-like environment: Install brush piles or rock piles to mimic natural den sites. They may use these for shelter and breeding purposes.
- Avoid Chemical Pesticides and Herbicides: Refrain from using chemical pesticides and herbicides in your yard, as these can negatively impact both coyotes and their prey species.
Use Scent Lures
Coyotes have an excellent sense of smell, so using scent lures such as fox urine or coyote scent can attract them to your yard. These scent lures mimic the natural smells found in their habitat, making them more likely to investigate.
Play Coyote Sounds
Playing coyote sounds through a speaker system can attract nearby coyotes to your yard. You can find recordings of coyote calls online or purchase a pre-recorded CD. Nowadays, using the calls of coyotes is an effective method that hunters use a lot.
Reduce Human Activity And Disturbances
Minimize noise and activity in your yard, especially during dawn and dusk when coyotes are most active. Avoid using strong outdoor lighting that may disrupt nocturnal wildlife behavior. If you want to watch coyotes, stay away from them and avoid generating any disruptions. For inconspicuous viewing, use trail cameras or binoculars.
Precautions To Take When Attracting Coyotes
Although luring coyotes to your yard can be fun and educational, it’s important to use caution. Coyotes are wild animals that can pose a risk to both humans and pets. Here are 6 precautions you should take when attracting coyotes:
- Keep Small Pets Indoors: Coyotes see small pets as prey, so keeping them indoors is the safest option. If you must take your pet outside, keep them on a leash and supervise them at all times.
- Install Motion-Activated Lights: Due to the fact that coyotes are nocturnal animals, installing motion-activated lights can help you see them in your yard at night.
- Secure Your Trash: Make sure your trash cans are safely closed and out of reach since coyotes are drawn to the smell of garbage.
- Use Fencing: Installing a fence around your property can help keep coyotes out and prevent them from entering your yard.
- Minimize Food Attractants: Pet food, trash, and compost shouldn’t be left out because they can attract coyotes. Harvest ripe fruits and vegetables promptly, so they don’t become a food source.
- Avoid Direct Contact: Coyotes should never be approached or touched because they are wild creatures. Keep a safe distance and watch them from a distance.
Final Thoughts
Attracting coyotes to your yard can be a fascinating and rewarding experience if done correctly. To ensure the safety of both you and the coyotes, it is crucial to use caution and implement the necessary safety measures. The ability to balance the establishment of a wildlife-friendly environment with the need to minimize conflicts and comply with local restrictions is critical. These pointers will help you respect these wonderful species’ natural environment and habits while still taking in their beauty and amazement.